I Built a $100,000 Per Month Online Empire By Focusing on Small Income Streams

I didn’t make $100,000 overnight, I built micro streams of income first


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Everyone wants to make money online these days, don’t believe the hype, it won’t happen overnight. My overnight success took more than ten years and I’m only scratching the surface right now.

How Did I Build a $100,000 Per Month Online Empire?

I built small income streams first. I focused on the power of $1 a day for some time before I pushed for more.

Building new income streams is overwhelming, it’s daunting, it feels like an uphill struggle but it’s not impossible.

Start small, build up.

My first online income came from freelancing, then I built an online magazine, and it snowballed from there.

When I first set up my online magazine, my goal was to make $1 a day from Google Adsense clicks. Within the first month, I made $40, I hit my target. The second month, I hit my target again and the third month was my first $100 month, sweet!



Creator Vibing by Abena ✨🔑💰✅

Conscious niche content writer - Digital investor + Software Engineer 📩 intriguework@gmail.com💰